One more weapon in cancer prevention: AURA

The new technique for the diagnosis of breast cancer: Dynamic Angiothermography (DATG)

  • Rapid

  • Completely non invasive

  • Effective

  • Economical (limited equipment and maintenance cost)


The risk of this disease can be reduced

Breast cancer when diagnosed within the first 5 years has a mortality rate of 20 – 25% and 35% within ten.

Mammography, ecography and magnetic resonance are not enough to locate a preinvasive lesion, to study its carcinogenic potential and to understand it’s genetic profile.

Despite the seriuos nature of breast cancer, there is still no way of effectively combating it in terms of diminishing its incidence. In other words, while the notable expenditure of resources both human and financial undertaken by a number of scientific and community organizations may have resulted in lowering the mortality rate, although even this claim is much debated by experts, it has not lowered the number of women affected by the disease.

With regular preventive examinations, however, the risk of disease can be reduced. Early diagnosis is surely very useful in saving lives.

New diagnostic and treatment strategies are needed

One of these appears to be the observation in vivo of changes in the breast as blood flow.

We know that variations in blood flow are determined by all the physiological and pathological phenomena that continually occur in a living organism or in any part of it. It is only logical that a signal event like the onset of a cancer must involve blood flow in the affected area, which in the case of cancer means commandeering more blood from the nearest vessels.

The tumour needs to be nourished.

Indeed, it begins to redirect blood flow towards itself even before it arises. It is the cells that will turn into the tumour that cause these circulatory alterations.

AURA diagnostic tool with Dynamic Angiothermography technology (DATG)

It is suggested that DATG be used alongside current diagnostic techniques such as mammography, ecography and magnetic resonance, in particular with young women and for the lobular histology.

The characteristics of DATG are:

  • Every woman has her own angiothermographic pattern equivalent to a unique “fingerprint”.

  • In the absence of any disease this picture remains constant throughout the life of the woman.

  • Any changes in the picture are a potential signal of the start of disease. The likelihood of a disease or its malignancy is indeoendent of the size or form of the lesion.

Other advantages of the technique are:

  • The rapidity of its application

  • Non invasive nature.
  • Cost-effectiveness

The breakthrough of this unique technology is the basis of its foundation, prevention and early diagnosis.

This technique does not replace mammography and ecography and can be used at any age (you don’t have to wait until you’re 40 to get a mammography).

Description of the Dynamic Angiothermography Technology (DATG)

The core of Dynamic Angiothermography (DATG) is a plate featuring a very thin fine taut layer of a special plastic (18 x 24 cm diameter) incorporating liquid crystals based on molecolar nanotechnology.

The molecolar stucture of the crystals enables them to refract ambient light in the red-to-violet spectrum depending on the heat detected by the plastic film when placed on the brest.

The image this generates on the plate shows up as lines, a few millimeters in diameter, that represent key characteristics of the underlying blood flow. The proper interpretation of these signs results in the diagnosis.

Dynamic Angiothermography does not measure heat but provides qualitative rather than quantative data. Backed up by more than one thousand biopsies, these tests show that DATG can not only diagnose cancer but also localize pre-invasive lesions in the breast, thereby making it possible to prevent their developing into cancer.

The benefits offered by AURA

  • Rapid
  • Economical (limited equipment and maintenance costs)
  • Completely non-invasive
  • Can be used at any age
  • Very good compliance
  • Breast cancer prevention (even detection of lobular neoplasia)
  • No radiation, no chemical, no pain
  • Repetitive and reproducible
  • Rapid performance time and immediate response

Scientific evidence

Dr. Daniele Montruccoli, Oncologist and Gynecologist, after 25 years of collaboration with his father, Professor Gian Carlo Montruccoli, committee member of F.I.G.O. (International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics) and member of the expert panel of S.I.S. (International Society of Senology), has developed a new technique for the diagnosis of breast cancer named Dynamic Angiothermography (DATG).

Since 1975, DATG has been applied widely on over 7000 patients, with over 1200 biopsies performed from the resulting diagnosis.

The results obtained fron the technique have been published  in scientific journals and have been the central subject of international conferences attended by the major experts in the field of senology.

In addition, DATG is an integral part of the university textbooks adopted by the departments of senology within the major Italian universities including “La Sapienza” of Rome.

DATG is classified within the category of contact thermography, certified s such by the International Scientific Community (International classification of Disease ver.2002).

DATG was originataed and developed in collaboration with the Department of Medical Physics, University of Bologna. These studies led to the development of a new plate which is different from that used in traditional contact thermography. In this case, the new device is able to give more precise information by not only identifying the quantity of heat emitted by the breast, but actually photographs the microcirculation present in the mammary gland with a resolution of very few microns. This “morphological photograph”, in the absence of any patalogy, remains constant during the life of woman.

Scientific studies on neoangiogeneses gives evidence of the presence of new blood vessels from the very early stages of breast cancer.

Progression of Angiogenesis from normal to cancer

The new formed vessels increase with the progression of the disease.

The international scientific literature comfirms the key role of new blood vessel formation (angiogenesis) in the onset of invasive breast neoplasm.

Dynamic Angiothermography can detect the functional blood flows due to angiogenesis.

Breast cancer is one of the major causes of death among women in the world.

Although there are a few areas of lower incidence, this desease displays an almost universal range, with a post-diagnosis mortality rate of 20-25% within the first five years and 35% within ten.

Even for women who do survive its effects are lasting, for it alters their psychology as well as their emotional and social lives forever.

Breast Life

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